Following  Yemi Solade's refusal to pay for an award, the organizers have revoked the accolade. The prominent Nigerian actor publicized this decision via his Instagram account. 

Solade voiced his dissatisfaction, asserting that he does not participate in the practice of purchasing awards and further alleging that the event organizers engaged in extortion.

He shared a screenshot of his conversation with a representative from the organizers, stating, “I refused to pay for the AWARD PLAQUE. This is the outcome.”

In the leaked chat, the organizers wrote: “Good morning sir, trust you had a good night rest. I did revert your response regarding sponsorship to the management.

“However, I think it doesn’t sit well with them as they also disclosed how much the plaques cost.

“Hence, you can pls attend but the award plaque may not be presented in order to save cost. Thank you for your kind understanding sir.”