The prestigious U.S.$250,000 prize is given annually to a person who has worked to advance human development by "improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world".
The President of the African Development Bank, (AfDB) Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, has won the 2017 World Food Prize Laureate.
Dr. Adesina, Nigeria's immediate past Minister of Agriculture, will receive a $250,000 prize for driving change in African agriculture for over 25 years and improving food security for millions across the continent
The World Food Prize said in a statement issued in Washington, yesterday, that Dr. Adesina stood out in efforts to make food available to Africans.
It said, "Awarded by the World Food Prize Foundation, the $250,000 prize honors Nigerian Dr. Adesina for his leading role over the past two decades in: significantly expanding food production in Nigeria; introducing initiatives to exponentially increase the availability of credit for smallholder farmers across the African continent; and galvanizing the political will to transform African agriculture.

"The selection of President Akinwumi Adesina as the 2017 World Food Prize Laureate reflects both his breakthrough achievements as Minister of Agriculture of Nigeria and his critical role in the development of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
"It also gives further impetus to his profound vision for enhancing nutrition, uplifting smallholder farmers, and inspiring the next generation of Africans as they confront the challenges of the 21st century," said Ambassador Kenneth Quinn, President of the World Food Prize Foundation, in making public President Adesina's name."
"Drawn to action, Dr. Adesina: in his role with the Rockefeller Foundation organized the 2006 Africa Fertilizer Summit; led a major expansion of commercial bank lending to farmers as Vice President of AGRA; and, as Minister of Agriculture in Nigeria, introduced the E-Wallet system, which broke the back of corrupt elements that had controlled the fertilizer distribution system for 40 years.
"His policies expanded Nigeria's food production by 21 million metric tons, and the country attracted $5.6 billion in private sector investments in agriculture - earning him the reputation as the 'farmer's Minister.'"

Dr said he was grateful for the recognition of his efforts in food production on the African Continent.
He said, "As someone who grew out of poverty, I know that poverty is not pretty. My life mission is to lift up millions of people out of poverty, especially farmers in rural areas of Africa. We must give hope and turn agriculture into a business all across Africa to create wealth for African economies.
The World Food Prize gives me an even greater global platform to make that future happen much faster for Africa."
In 2006, as Associate Director for Food Security at the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Adesina, was said to have played a critical leadership role in organizing the Africa Fertilizer Summit, which took place in Abuja, Nigeria.
World Food Prize Foundation founder and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Dr. Norman Borlaug hailed this event as absolutely essential in igniting the campaign to spread a new Green Revolution across Africa, which led to the creation of AGRA.
While at AGRA, Dr. Adesina developed partnerships with the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation and the Kilimo Trust to provide loans to tens of thousands of smallholder farmers and the agribusinesses that support them in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana and Mozambique.

As Nigeria's Minister of Agriculture from 2011 to 2015, Adesina successfully transformed his country's agriculture sector through bold reforms, including creating programs to make Nigeria self-sufficient in rice production, and to help cassava become a major cash crop.
President Adesina also took major steps to end over 40 years of corruption in the fertilizer and seed sectors in Nigeria by launching the E-Wallet system, directly providing farmers with vouchers redeemable for inputs using mobile phones. The resulting increased farm yields have led to the improvement of food security for 40 million people in rural farm households.
When Dr. Adesina assumed the Presidency of the AfDB, he said he envisioned "An Africa that can feed itself.
"Ten years is a sufficient amount of time to do that. It will require political will. It will require a lot of resources, a lot of commitment from private sector. But I think we have set the direction, and we've put the stakes in the ground. That one is critical. And I can't forget what Norman Borlaug used to tell me. 'Akin, go score some goals for African Agriculture.'"