Champions are made in our streets from the selfless service of the ordinary people who go beyond the call of duty to keep our roads safe and hassle-free. In this special season of giving, it is only fitting to reward these champions with gifts of gratitude. That is why GTBank is championing the #NominateAChamp campaign.

The #NominateAChamp campaign is about celebrating the Traffic Wardens who have won our hearts with their selfless service. These Wardens go the extra mile to manage the often perilous traffic on our roads. They stand for hours, oftentimes under the sun and in the rain, in order to provide more comfort to road users.
To celebrate our Road Champions, GTBank would like you to nominate your favourite Traffic Warden of the year. The bank would make a shortlist from the nominees and celebrate them with an Orange Sac full of gifts for the season and beyond.

So, who is your favourite Traffic Warden?

Please visit to nominate him or her.

It’s your own little way of putting smiles on their faces while saying “thank you for a job well done.”