LG Electronics received over 100,000 orders for its first 5G smartphone the first weekend of sales in Korea. Local mobile carriers said the device’s first-week sales volume already surpassed that of its predecessor, the V40 ThinQ, the Korea Times reports.
The V50 ThinQ smartphone, first unveiled at MWC in February and launched 10 May, sold three times as many units as the V40 ThinQ in its first week of sales, an unnamed official from a mobile carrier told the paper.
LG was scheduled to launch the V50 ThinQ on 19 April but changed the release date to 10 May to make sure the device worked well on the 5G networks. Samsung earlier launched its first 5G smartphone in Korea, a new version of the Galaxy S10.
Thanks to the popularity, the number of people who have subscribed to 5G services in Korea surpassed the 400,000 marks. Korea launched 5G mobile networks on 03 April.
The 5G smartphone is officially priced at KRW 1.19 million. However, mobile carriers have offered subsidies of KRW 500,000 to 700,000 to attract more consumers to 5G services. The high subsidies prompted a warning from the Korea Communications Commission for operators SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus, which said it would impose fines if it finds any violations in the heated competition for 5G customers.
The V50 ThinQ smartphone, first unveiled at MWC in February and launched 10 May, sold three times as many units as the V40 ThinQ in its first week of sales, an unnamed official from a mobile carrier told the paper.
LG was scheduled to launch the V50 ThinQ on 19 April but changed the release date to 10 May to make sure the device worked well on the 5G networks. Samsung earlier launched its first 5G smartphone in Korea, a new version of the Galaxy S10.
Thanks to the popularity, the number of people who have subscribed to 5G services in Korea surpassed the 400,000 marks. Korea launched 5G mobile networks on 03 April.
The 5G smartphone is officially priced at KRW 1.19 million. However, mobile carriers have offered subsidies of KRW 500,000 to 700,000 to attract more consumers to 5G services. The high subsidies prompted a warning from the Korea Communications Commission for operators SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus, which said it would impose fines if it finds any violations in the heated competition for 5G customers.