Xiaomi has launched a new smartwatch in China – the Mi Watch Color. The new smartwatch from Xiaomi has a round dial, unlike the company's recently launched Mi Watch that comes with a rectangular dial. The Xiaomi Mi Watch Color will come in three dial colour options, and straps in a multitude of shades and material choices.
As for features, the Xiaomi Watch Color will allow heart rate tracking, sleep monitoring, fitness tracking, and more. However, the company is yet to reveal the pricing and specifications of the Mi Watch Color.

The posts shared by the official Mijia Weibo account only show the Mi Watch Color's design, but don't shed any light on the specifications such as display size and resolution, battery capacity, sensors, processor, or memory. The posters, however, reveal some of the features such as heart rate monitoring, fitness tracking, sleep monitoring, calling and app notifications, and QR code payment support among others.

The teaser trailer for the Mi Watch Colour suggests it will be available in three dial colours – black, gold, and silver. Additionally, Xiaomi will offer straps in a variety of colours and material choices such as rubber / silicone strap, leather, and metal chain straps. Additionally, there will be a tonne of watch face options to customise the look of the smartwatch.

Xiaomi Mi Watch Color will offer a long battery life, but has not provided the numbers yet. Xiaomi has confirmed that the Mi Watch Color will be available starting January 3 in China from authorised sales channels. However, the company is yet to reveal the price of the Mi Watch Colour. Moreover, there is no word on its availability in the international markets, including Nigeria.