OnePlus Concept One, which is set to debut at CES 2020, has been teased to come with an “invisible camera” that will have colour-shifting glass protection on top. The Chinese company has released a brief teaser video through its social media channels to give a glimpse at what it is set to unveil next week. Separately, a concept drawing of the OnePlus Concept One has been shared by Wired -- hinting at a leather back finish with a McLaren's Papaya Orange colour.

The official teaser video, which has been posted by the OnePlus Twitter account, shows that the OnePlus Concept One will not show the camera setup from some angles -- thanks to the presence of a colour-shifting glass technology. The 10-second video also suggests that the phone wouldn't include a camera bump and may have a triple rear camera setup.
The camera lenses are concealed under what appears to be dimmable glass – basically a one pixel LCD. The tech is apparently borrowed from the optional sunroof on the McLaren 720S (and other models). This will make for a sleek design, especially now that multi-camera setups have made phones to look bug-eyed.

OnePlus shared concept drawings of the phone with Wired. There’s a vertical line that divides the phone in two, with the top part (where the cameras are) widening a bit. You can see exactly this part in the official teaser.

Interestingly, this vertical line seems to be framed by stitching, meaning the phone has leather back (likely Papaya Orange, the trademark McLaren color). Also notice that there’s no camera bump, which makes the phone look even sleeker.

The OnePlus Concept One will be revealed at CES 2020 on January 7. As the name suggests, this device will not be commercially available but the OnePlus 8 may sport an invisible camera (probably without the leather back, though). Renders of the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro show a glass back and triple and quad cameras, respectively.