By Joseph Kiggundu

The Uganda Tourism School is due to be handed over to the government following the completion of physical works which stand at 89 per cent, officials have said. Works on the Shs24b facility started in 2018.

"We are now focused on achieving practical completion of the project as soon as possible while maintaining the highest quality standards in construction using high quality materials and very skilled manpower to satisfy our customer requirements," Mr Bernard Muhangi, the company's spokesperson, said during the site tour at the weekend.

The school will have a double storied reinforced concrete framed hotel building with two training kitchens and restaurants, a laundry block, two gate houses, a power house and a garbage collection house.

Government has so far paid one certificate owing to the progress of the project, which is 88.28 per cent financial and 89 per cent physical.

"We are in the process of concluding documentation for the second phase, which shall include the construction of one additional floor to the hotel block with all electrical and mechanical reticulation," Mr Muhangi said.

There have been complaints that additional floor finishing have been delayed but Mr Muhangi said these have been different within the work time frame of the second phase.

During the tour, workers were partitioning, roofing and shuttering while some were working on external and external finishes, mechanical and electrical installations.

Mr Muhangi said most of the pending works are dependent on the commencement of phase II of the project, which include the construction of one additional floor to the hotel block with all electrical and mechanical reticulation.

The project was funded by the International Development Association.

It was divided into two, with the second at Nalufenya in Jinja to include construction of the Uganda Hotel Tourism and Training Institute .

Government handed over the site to Roko on April 10, 2018 for commencement of works for 12 months. However, the project was extended due to variations and additional works.