The unparallel transformation Dr Bashir Jamoh, the Director General, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), has brought to the maritime industry are so monumental to go unheralded, and that informed the resolve of the Association of Maritime Journalists of Nigeria (AMJON), to bestow on him the award of the Best Performing CEO in the Nigerian maritime industry in 2021.

Presenting the award to Jomoh in his office last Friday, the AMJON President, Paul Ogbuokiri enumerated the quantum of transformations that have come to the industry since the seasoned maritime expert took over the helmship of Nigerian maritime administration in March, 2020.

According to Ogbuokiri, the various achievements of the DG include but not limited to, taming piracy as reflected in the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) third-quarter 2021 report, campaign for the removal of Nigeria among nations that pay war risk insurance premium, removal of wrecks and derelicts in Nigerian water ways, among others.

Ogbuokiri said: “We are not here to celebrate you on the mere grounds the you are Dr Jamoh, we have come to celebrate the transformations your administration has brought to the Nigerian maritime industry.

“We have followed your track record since you joined NIMASA as a Principal Officer, from where you rose through the ranks to the position of Executive Director, Finance and Administration, and then the Federal Government appointed you the DG.

“This honour my association is bestowing on you is our humble way of congratulating you for the good work you are doing at NIMASA and encouraging you to do much more. The industry is happy with you, you are doing well for the industry, you have achieved much in less than two years of your administration.

“The recent IMB report has said it all by stating that piracy has already decreased by 77per cent in the first nine months of 2021.

“We are expecting that by the time the fourth quarter report will be out, there will be bigger and better result than what we have today.

‘We know what you are doing on removal of Nigeria among nations that pay war risk insurance premium, removal of wrecks and derelicts in Nigerian water ways. We are also expecting another bigger result from the International Maritime Organizaion(IMO) Council election.”

Appreciating the gesture, Jamoh said celebrating him was more of celebrating the maritime industry.

The award he said is dedicated to the industry he loves so much and ready to stake all he could to see it change for the better.

“Celebrating me, is a celebration of the maritime industry which is my first constituency. This is an industry I so much love, and have passion for.

“At anytime I have the opportunity to speak about this industry, I do so with zest and passion.

“My love drives me to work late at nights many at times. Even when I traveled out and returned.

“I came back from Greece and came down to the office for a meeting, I couldn’t even eat. At the end I went home at midnight.

“Early morning, I was here in the office because I like what am doing, I enjoy what am doing. I always say it, there is no other better place than this industry,”

On the role of the media in giving the right narratives and in promoting the maritime industry, the NIMASA boss extolled the dedication and promptness of Nigerian maritime Journalists to bring the sector to the door steps of the global world, and further charged them on togetherness.

“I think you are doing a lot in terms of enlightenment to the public, in terms of changing perceptions; in terms of directions, and so many others.

“You wake up at 3:00am you see maritime media, you see reports. Whether we like it or not, you are adding value, but it could be better if you could become one.

“Though we have freedom of association, but splitting into many groups of maritime Journalists has not payed well.

‘In any case, I want to appreciate the maritime journalists whether you are divided or not.

“I really appreciate you aIl in AMJON, I congratulate you for a successful year, Jamoh stated.

The annual AMJON Conference/Awards ceremony was held at the Lagos Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Ikeja on the 19th of November, 2021 where Dr Jamoh and other notable Nigerians were slated to be honoured for their outstanding achievements.