If they do move, half of them will do it permanently. They don’t intend to return home. Their most popular destination will be South Africa, followed by Europe and the US.
There are many reasons for this; education,
wanderlust, but the biggest is simply the quest for a better life that they
believe is unavailable in their own countries.
The biggest concern that African youth have
today is instability. 75% are concerned about the political volatility in the
continent, rising to 91% and in Kenya and 89% in Mozambique, both of which are
battling terrorist insurgencies.
At least half of Africa’s youth have had
their lives impacted by terror, insurgency or conflict. 15% of them have either
been approached to be recruited by a terrorist organisation or know someone who
has been. In Mozambique, this figure rises to 25%.
Many have lost faith in their leaders. Only
40% of African youth believe their governments are doing enough to country the
crisis in their countries. In Ethiopia, this drops to 20% and in Nigeria, 16%.
These are just some of the statistics from
the second edition of the African Youth Survey, being released worldwide today.
Conceptualised and underwritten by the South African based Ichikowitz Family
Foundation, the survey is a unique and ground-breaking research tool that tests
the sentiment of the current cohort of Africans aged between 18 and 24 every
two years.
Launched in 2019 with fieldwork in 14
countries, this was extended to 16 countries when researchers returned in 2021,
this time to Angola, Congo Brazzaville, DRC, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya,
Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, and Zambia. Researchers
conducted 300 face-to-face interviews in each country, divided into three
distinct geographical areas and further split into five distinct locations in
each area.
Foundation chairman Ivor Ichikowitz says he
is heartened by the responses in the second edition of this initiative: “The
survey tells us much. It warns us, but it is also a source of great hope. In a
continent that is wracked by violence, internal and external, there is a very
clear sign that the next generation of people who will lead this continent is
neither disempowered by nor ignorant of the hazards their countries and their
continent face.
“On the contrary, these are highly
motivated, highly informed and deeply committed citizens determined to ensure
they have a chance at a life that was perhaps denied their parents.”