These videos will be useful tools for the legal and academic community and other public interested in enhancing knowledge of ICL and of the particularities of the Rome Statute system.

On 25 January 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) ( launched a new series of 15 videos in French and Spanish, in which experts of the Court and of the Assembly of States Parties Secretariat develop key themes on the study of International Criminal Law (ICL) and the ICC.

Topics include the creation of the ICC, the general principles of individual criminal responsibility, the crimes under the Rome Statute, the cooperation of States, the rights of victims and defendants, preliminary examinations and investigations, among others. These new videos are available on the ICC website ( and on its YouTube Channel (

These videos will be useful tools for the legal and academic community and other public interested in enhancing knowledge of ICL and of the particularities of the Rome Statute system. Each of the sessions can also be used independently to complement a learning process or to delve deeper into a particular topic of interest.

This project joins other initiatives of the ICC to create and promote tools and platforms for the legal and academic community. This project was made possible thanks to the financial support of the European Commission and the French Embassy in The Hague.