On the occasion of the commemoration of World Humanitarian Day, which falls on August 19 of each year, the OIC General Secretariat joins the international community to celebrate this occasion on which it renews tribute to the efforts and sacrifices of humanitarian workers who died or were injured in the performance of their duties, and who continue to provide the necessary support to save and protect lives to those most in need.

The General Secretariat indicates that the commemoration of the International Day of Humanitarian Action this year encounters many humanitarian challenges in the Muslim world, which requires intensifying and coordinating active efforts to mitigate their various effects and dimensions.

On this occasion, the General Secretariat affirms its commitment to promote and coordinate joint Islamic action in the humanitarian field on the basis of Islamic values and in response to humanitarian needs, in accordance with the Charter of the Organization and its relevant resolutions, addressing humanitarian crises, developing humanitarian mechanisms to meet these challenges, in addition to coordinating with Member States, relevant institutions and institutions especially the Islamic Solidarity Fund, in relief efforts, mobilising resources for humanitarian assistance and continuing to establish strategic partnerships with the humanitarian community in line with the principles and objectives of the organisation.

The Secretariat takes this opportunity to reiterate its gratitude for the appreciated support provided by Member States, donors and the Organisation's humanitarian partners through their concrete contribution to mitigating the negative effects of humanitarian crises in some Member States and vulnerable communities hosting them.