Olufemi Adeyemi 

Digital Bar is a platform for employees to pose inquiries to the IT teams and seek elucidations for any obstacles they encounter.

The business landscape has undergone a significant transformation in the post-pandemic era, largely influenced by advancements in Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These technological innovations have revolutionized the way businesses across diverse industries operate, fostering a comprehensive and holistic approach to their operations.

In the Central and West African regions, Nestlé is actively implementing technological advancements across its operations in more than twenty-five countries. Recently, the company initiated an internal program called "DIGITAL BAR." This initiative aims to enhance employee proficiency in Information Technology tools and equip teams with the necessary skills to optimize their work efficiency and effectiveness. The Digital Bar serves as a platform where employees can direct their queries to the IT teams and seek clarifications for any challenges they encounter.

‘’Without a doubt, the digital revolution is in motion and employees must take advantage of the opportunities to be digitally savvy and have more of analytical knowledge and understanding. That way, they are better prepared!’’. Mauricio Alarcón, Market Head, Nestlé Central and West Africa.

At the corporate level, Nestlé has prioritized the implementation of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud-based mobile applications, and big data analytics to digitally transform its operations. As of 2023, Nestlé's annual investment in information technology is estimated to be $1.4 billion. Nestlé Central and West Africa benefits from this strategic allocation of resources, which has facilitated the development of innovative AI tools to empower employees and enhance operational efficiency.

Employee Skill Enhancement through Digital Bar

In line with the Digital Bar's objective of enhancing employee proficiency in emerging technological trends, it also aims to deliver real-time solutions across the diverse CWAR sites. A comprehensive suite of tools is readily accessible to various functions, encompassing supply chain management, finance, human resources, communications, marketing, sales, and manufacturing..

Some of the tools available include Viva Insights, Synthesia, Co-Pilot, Mural, Teams, Outlook, SharePoint, Power Bi, and NesGPT. The Digital Bar, which opens on the last Friday of every month across Nestle CWAR sites, aims to address IT concerns of employees and equip them with the necessary digital skills to utilize existing platforms effectively.

These cutting-edge tools are empowering employees to harness the power of artificial intelligence, embrace automation, and effectively leverage data across diverse work environments, from the factory floor to the corporate office..

‘’If you do not leverage AI, you will surely be left behind! This is why we encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunities that AI and digital tools present to have an efficient and improved work life’’, Frank Osei-Karikari, Head of IT, Nestlé CWAR.

The digital revolution continues to evolve rapidly, and businesses in Central and West Africa must keep pace with the latest trends. By providing advanced solutions that enhance employee and consumer experiences, companies can stay competitive and successful in the digital age.