In a surprising turn of events, the pair known as “Radicals,” comprised of Fairme David and Michky, has been eliminated from the Big Brother Naija “No Loose Guard” season.

This elimination marks the sixth pair to exit the competition, leaving just eight pairs in contention for the grand prize.

Big Brother Naija had put four pairs – Aces, Doublekay, Radicals, and Wanni × Handi – up for eviction, following nominations made by their fellow housemates during diary sessions.

Shatoria, the new Head of House, benefited from immunity this week.

Last week’s nominations represented a pivotal moment in the game, as it was the first time housemates nominated each other for eviction this season, resulting in the elimination of the pair Zinwe.

The ultimate goal remains the grand prize of ₦100 million, which includes both cash and an SUV, along with additional sponsored rewards.

As the show progresses into its fifth week, the competition is set to last for a total of 10 weeks, culminating in the finale on Sunday, October 6, 2024.