Telegram will finally get a new subscription plan. The CEO of the messaging app has confirmed that the Telegram Premium will be launched later in June.

Durov said that Telegram is funded primarily by its users, not advertisers.” So starting from June, users will have to pay for some of the features. However, Telegram will not charge for the existing features. Only the new features will be chargeable.

Talking about its new Premium plan, Pavel Durov noted on its Telegram channel, “After giving it some thought, we realized that the only way to let our most demanding fans get more while keeping our existing features free is to make those raised limits a paid option.

That’s why this month we will introduce Telegram Premium, a subscription plan that allows anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources. It will also allow users to support Telegram and join the club that receives new features first.

Durov said that premium services have been launched for users who have been asking Telegram to “raise the current limits even further.”

He also stated that the feature will provide more speed and resources.” However, he stated that the problem is removed is that if they remove all limits for everyone, Telegram’s server and traffic costs would become unmanageable. So he thought the only way to increase limits is by making them a paid option.

He further stated that even users who don't subscribe to Telegram Premium will get access to some of the features. Durov noted that users will be able to view extra-large documents, media and stickers sent by Premium users, or tap to add Premium reactions already pinned to a message to react in the same way.

Last month, Telegram introduced a boost of features including custom notification sounds, custom mute durations, auto delete menu in profiles, replies in forwarded and message translations on iOS.

Back in 2021, India was the largest market for Telegram with 22 per cent of its lifetime installs. Telegram has been around since 2013 but it witnessed an exponential growth only after WhatsApp’s confusing policies came into play. A lot of users who were clueless about WhatsApp’s new terms of service and privacy policies downloaded Telegram, fearing invasion of privacy.