Prime Video today announced the official streaming premiere of The Batman (2022), written and directed by Matt Reeves and produced by Reeves and Dylan Clark. Fans of the caped crusader are in for a treat as they watch The Batman investigate the hidden dark corruption of Gotham and question his family’s involvement in it.

The film is a cinematic masterpiece, bringing together spectacular performances and action sequences that leave one at the edge of their seat, along with a musical score that enhances every scene, and much more.

The Batman stars Robert Pattinson in the dual role of Gotham City’s vigilante detective and his alter ego, reclusive billionaire Bruce Wayne. Starring alongside Pattinson as Gotham’s famous and infamous cast of characters are Zoë Kravitz as Selina Kyle; Paul Dano as Edward as the GCPD’s Lt. James Gordon; John Turturro as Carmine Falcone; Peter Sarsgaard as Gotham D.A. Gil Colson; Jayme Lawson as mayoral candidate Bella Reál; with Andy Serkis as Alfred; and Colin Farrell as Oz/aka The Penguin.

 The Batman will stream on Prime Video on July 27, 2022 in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.

Released in cinemas worldwide on March 4, The Batman arrives on streaming nearly five months on — 20 weeks and 5 days, or 145 days to be precise — from its theatrical debut. (That's a similar window when compared to the most recent major release from Warner Bros. prior to the Batman: The Matrix Resurrections.

The fourth Matrix movie, with Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss returning in the lead, arrived on streaming 141 days after its theatrical release.) Of course, The Batman has been available for home viewing previously in glorious 4K HDR — on Apple TV, BookMyShow Stream, Google Play Movies, and YouTube Movies — since April 18, just six weeks after cinemas.

The gap between theatres and streaming for The Batman might have been shorter, if HBO Max was available in India. The latest DC superhero movie was released on the Warner Bros.

Discovery-owned streaming platform in the US on the same day — April 18 — as its video-on-demand premiere in India. Moreover, The Batman is available in 4K HDR on HBO Max. Batman fans in India have had to wait longer to rewatch Pattinson's Dark Knight and Zoë Kravitz's Catwoman take on Paul Dano's Riddler as often as they want.

The Batman is out Wednesday, July 27 on Prime Video in India in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam. Don't confuse it with the version of the DC movie that is already available on Prime Video — that one can only be rented, though it does offer 4K resolution. From July 27, The Batman will be included with your Amazon Prime subscription.